The Wife of Gegege ゲゲゲの女房
Stadtkino Basel
Klostergasse 5
4051 Basel
Kalender Import
ICS Datei herunterladen
Eine Veranstaltung der Schweizerisch-Japanischen Gesellschaft
The Wife of Gegege
ゲゲゲの女房 (Gegege no nyobo)
2010 / 119 Min. / Japanisch / Englische Untertitel
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Japanischen Botschaft Bern
A love story depicting the younger days of MIZUKI Shigeru, author
of “Gegege no Kitaro,” the well-known comic on ‘yokai’ (super-
natural beings), and his wife MURA Nunoe, who supported him
through the years. Like the hit TV drama version, the film is based
on Nunoe’s autobiography, but it focuses mainly on their days as
newlyweds when they lived through extreme poverty, and pro-
vides a heart-warming account of their struggles as they start a
life together. In Shimane prefecture, 1961, 29 year-old Nunoe
(FUKIISHI Kazue) and Shigeru (KUDO Kankuro), a manga artist
who lost his left arm in the war, get married, just five days after
being introduced at a matchmaking meeting. They move to
Tokyo and endure a life of abysmal poverty.
Director: SUZUKI Takuji / Screenplay: OISHI Michiko /
Screenplay: SUZUKI Takuji / Original Story: MURA
Nunoe / Cinematography: TAMURA Masaki /
Music: SUZUKI Keiichi / Producers: SATO Masaki
Cast: FUKIISHI Kazue: MURA Nunoe / KUDO
Kankuro: MURA Shigeru / SAKAI Maki: TADOKORO
Hatsue / MINAMI Kaho: MURA Kotoe /
MIZUKI Shigeru died last year in November at the
age of 93.
©2010 MIZUKI production “Gegege no Nyobo”
Production Committee
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