Dinner Presentation with Yoshinori Nakata, Bank of Japan
17:30 - 21:00
Haus zum Rüden, Constaffelsaal
Limmatquai 42
8001 Zurich
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Organisation | SJCC Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce |
Fee | SJCC Members: CHF 90.- Non-Members: CHF 120.- (per person, to be paid in cash only at the event) |
Registration | Please register online latest at 4 May 2016:http://www.sjcc.ch/events/registration |
17:30 Welcome & Registration
18:00 Presentation: „The Japanese economy and monetary policy: What’s negative? What’s positive?“ by Mr. Yoshinori NAKATA, Bank of Japan.
19:00 Dinner
Mr. Yoshinori Nakata is currently Deputy Director-General in the Financial Markets Department of the Bank Japan, responsible for its work in international financial markets. Mr. Nakata joined the Bank in 1988 and has worked in various departments focusing on international financial markets and banking supervision.
He has participated in various working groups of the BIS (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Committee on the Global Financial System) and G20 (Framework Working Group). He has also worked at the secretariat of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision at the BIS between 1998 and 2002.
Mr. Nakata is also a “Satsuma Ambassador” appointed by the Kagoshima Prefecture to promote the many charms and beauties of the area which lies at the south west tip of the main islands of Japan. Mr. Nakata is married and has two children.
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